Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Oops...looks like I have been neglecting this for awhile. I blame facebook. I know I mentioned before that I'm completely addicted to social networking sites and now that I've reconnected with a bunch of friends, I seem to be constantly on and catching up and laughing and everything else. So here's a sorry to all two of my readers. hahaha. You know I read somewhere that to really be a blogger you're supposed to write something everyday. Yeah, like that's ever going to happen.

Anyway, we participated in our first craft fair last Saturday selling Wes's gyotaku artwork. The fair was at the local elementary school and we sold two prints! Yahoo. Gave out a bunch of business cards, as well, which has also proved fruitful seeing as Wes did a print last night for someone who called after picking up his card on Saturday. We're planning to do another fair before the end of the year that will hopefully provide us a little extra Christmas money.

Faithful blog stalkers will remember that last year we spent Thanksgiving on Oahu which we'll be doing again this year. :) Here's hoping that I'll be back with another entertaining monkey story...and pictures to go with it!

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