Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Don't Call It A Comeback...

Yes, yes, friends...I have been noticeably absent from the blogging world. Was my last post really back in August? Oops. I do have excuses that I'm sure none of you want to hear. :) The biggest being that I'm officially back in school...well, online school. In September I decided to take the leap and enroll in the University of Phoenix online to complete my Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction. This may not have been the smartest move considering I constantly have 1 1/2 year-old underfoot, but I figured now is as good a time as any. I suppose I could try to recount the past 5 months or so, but that would just take too long. Let me just say this: the holidays were crazy, as usual, with two kids, but we're all still alive and kicking here in 2010! Heres hoping for a better blogging year!

1 comment:

*Mom's Best Bets said...

I found you through Hawaii Mom's Like me!
Congrats on going back to school!
It's fun to find more Hawaii bloggers
Please visit Mom's Best Bets when you get a chance!