Saturday, September 6, 2008

New Pictures!!

And now for your viewing pleasure....

I walked back into the bedroom the other day after doing some dishes and found what appears below...

I asked little miss Kaytin, what are you doing? To which she replied, I'm in my house, Mommy. Notice she has surrounded herself in a semi-circle of toys. Apparently this is all you need to make a "house."

Look who's trying to hold his head up high! This buggah is growing up way too fast in my opinion. I still think he resembles Kaytin in many ways, but as you can see he has quite his own look. I'm loving this kid and as you can see below...

his sister is loving on him as well. ;) Oh lovely day. We're still chasing that ever elusive smile of Caleb's. This was an after effect of one of his smiles, but it looks more like he wants to eat. Oh well. Sooner or later we'll catch it on camera.