Friday, January 23, 2009

Bringing Home Baby

(So before I begin, let me just point out that I did watch [some of] the inauguration the other day. I mean, it was quite the history making kind, first black president and all...not to mention the fact that I DID receive a degree in Education with an emphasis on History. Regardless of who you voted for, you have to admit that this one's going in the history books. My kids will have been born in a time where it seems like our country has finally become color blind. It makes me laugh how fanatical some are about having Barack Obama as president, though. Seems like everyone and their mama has jumped on the time for a change train. Imagine the immense pressure weighing on Mr. Prez's shoulders right now. My faith in God leads me to know that this is something ordained by Him and I rest assured every day that He is still in charge. It worries me that there are a lot of VERY liberal groups out there in support of B.O. thinking that he is the answer to THEIR prayers with his "change" agenda and I hope that if/when one of them is disappointed [since you can't please EVERYONE] they don't take their anger out in an extreme manner. End rant.)Back to my real reason for posting. You all know about my TV addiction so I'm not even going to talk about that, but I just finished watching this show "Bringing Home Baby" on TLC. Every now and again I'll turn this show on and reminisce about those first few days at home with my new baby. (who is now 6 months old!) Its been awhile and while I was looking through the guide today, I noticed the synopsis of this episode which included the baby's father who was on HOUSE ARREST. hello! Flipped right on over to the show already in progress. That's right, folks, the episode featured a teenager who had a little baby girl with her "boyfriend" who was on house arrest. (not in her house) Apparently he got into a little "trouble" with the law and had to be home by 3pm everyday lest the 5-0 come looking for him. Seriously?! She was all disappointed that he wasn't coming by to see his little, maybe something you should have thought about BEFORE having a child with him? Sad. On the bright side she did have a very supportive mom that she lived with and did seem to be doing a good job as a mother. When they followed up with her a couple of months later, she was no longer with said "boyfriend" which in the long run is probably better for her and her baby girl.

Are there no other couples out there for TLC to showcase? I mean, I can see how you'd want to show people from all walks of life, but still. And homie actually signed a consent form that he could be shown on this show? And let all of America know that he was on house arrest? Poor kid...I hope this doesn't come back to bite her in the booty later in life. I can just hear it now, "hey! you were on tv when you were just a baby? is your dad outta jail?"

I can't make this stuff up.

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