Friday, August 29, 2008

I Knew It.

I knew I was jinxing myself with my last post. What I didn't mention was that Kaytin was beginning to come down with a little cold that day. Nothing big, just a bit of a runny nose, cough, your everyday run of the mill cold. Well, she progressively got a bit worse...and thankfully, today looks as if the worst has passed and is well on her way to feeling better. Wes comes home from work on yesterday and says, I think I'm catching Kaytin's cold. Uh oh. Bad sign. Well, luckily Wes is an adult and can fight off minor colds with his lovely immunities to them, so he's left with nothing more than a bit of a sore throat. Through all of this my only hope was that poor little Caleb would come out of it healthy and happy. No such luck. I should have known when he woke up last night at 1am (which I don't think he's ever done before). I fed him, put him back down and at 3am he started fussing again and lo and behold had a bit of a cough and sounded like he kept choking on his saliva. He wouldn't let me put him back down until around 6 (when Wes was getting up to get ready for work). Took him to the doctor this morning and sure enough my little man has his first cold. He's been taking it pretty well...sleeping most of the time and allowing me to suction his excess mucous. I've been feeding him in smaller amount on a more frequent basis and that seems to be sitting well with him. Poor little guy. Here's hoping it passes quickly.

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